About the Fellowship
Name: LCMC Intentional Interim Fellowship
Core Values:
- Christ Centered
- Educating Congregations
- Well Trained Pastors
- Excellence in Ministry
- Lutheran Identity
Mission Statement: Empower congregations and pastors for healthy and transformative seasons of transition.
Vision: Our vision is to enable every congregation in transition to experience a season of healing and transformation, empowering them for God’s desired future for building the Kingdom of God. We will achieve this vision through educating and empowering intentional interim pastors and congregations in transition.
Purpose: We are a fellowship of intentional interim pastors dedicated to encouraging, equipping and supporting intentional interim pastors as well as congregations in transition.
Leadership Team: Steve Abend, Marcus J. Carlson, Mark Neumann and Dawn Spies
Fellowship Coordinator(s): Marcus J. Carlson & Dawn Spies
LCMC Liaison: Marcus J. Carlson
Education Coordinator: Steve Abend
Intro Training Coordinator: Dawn Spies
Intermediate Training Coordinator: Mark Neumann
Advanced Training Coordinator: Steve Abend
Congregational Education Coordinator: Marcus J. Carlson
Continuing Education Coordinator: Tim Hummel
Community Coordinator: TBD
Fellowship Administrator(s): Marcus J. Carlson & Dawn Spies
Contact Us
Call us (Marcus Carlson) 719-482-5248.
We are a registered LLC in the state of Minnesota.